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General Terms

The General Terms of Use and sales conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms of Use”) prescribe the conditions and rules for end users who utilize the website representing a legally binding contract between the user and the company PICKBOX LLC. These terms govern the use of the PICKBOX NOW platform. By using the website, users agree to the Terms of Use.

About the General Terms

 “PICKBOX NOW” is a paid video-on-demand service (also called a streaming service) that allows its users, on the domain to watch on-demand series and movies (hereinafter referred to as “series and movies”).

“Video on demand” denotes an audio-visual media service provided by the company PICKBOX LLC, allowing users to watch programs at the time chosen by the user based on the program catalog selected by the media service provider.

The “PICKBOX NOW” service is provided by PICKBOX LLC for the purpose of watching series and movies, including all features and functionalities of the website and user interface, as well as all content and software associated with our service. The service includes streaming access to series and movies and the execution of financial transactions.

The “Right to use the website” is a personal and non-transferable right of the end user.

The end user is personally responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of passwords for accessing the PICKBOX NOW service. PICKBOX LLC is not liable if the user falsely and unauthorizedly reports on behalf of another natural or legal person.

If the court determines that any provision of these Terms of Use is unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision is deemed separate from the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use and does not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


Change of Terms of Use and Changes to the Services Provided to the User

PICKBOX LLC reserves the right to discontinue or modify any of the Terms of Use listed here at any time and without prior notice. Continuing to use PICKBOX NOW after the publication of the modified Terms of Use implies that the user accepts the amended Terms of Use.

PICKBOX LLC reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue any part of the business, including content, the availability of content, and equipment required for access or use of PICKBOX NOW.


Communication Settings

 By using the PICKBOX NOW service, you agree to receive electronic notifications related to your user account.

Electronic notifications include: sending emails to the email address you provided during registration, receiving notifications about your account (e.g., payment authorizations, password changes, or payment methods, email confirmations, and other transaction-related information), receiving newsletters about new features and content of PICKBOX NOW, special offers, promotional notifications, and user surveys.

If you no longer wish to participate in specific non-transactional communication, simply unsubscribe from receiving notifications via the link available at the bottom of the email or by using the email



The PICKBOX NOW service is regularly updated, which includes changes to the content offering of movies and series.

PICKBOX LLC routinely tests various forms of its service, including its website, user interfaces, service levels, plans, promotional features, series and movie availability, deliveries, and prices. PICKBOX LLC reserves the right to include or exclude you from these tests without notice.

By accepting these Terms of Use, the user agrees not to archive, download (except through caching necessary for personal use), reproduce, distribute, modify, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works, offer for sale, or use (unless explicitly authorized by these Terms of Use) the content and information contained in the PICKBOX NOW service, or obtained from or through it, without the explicit written permission of PICKBOX LLC.

You agree not to circumvent, remove, alter, deactivate, degrade, or interfere with any content protection on the PICKBOX NOW service; use a robot, spider, scraper, or other automated means to access the service; decompile, use reverse engineering or disassemble any software or other products or processes available through the PICKBOX NOW service, insert any code or product, or manipulate the content of the service in any way; use data mining, data collection, or extraction methods.

You agree not to upload, post, email, or otherwise send or transmit any material intended to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment associated with the PICKBOX NOW service, including computer viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs.

The availability of series and movies for viewing is variable; series and movies will be removed from the offering if PICKBOX LLC no longer has the rights to display specific content, after the expiration of the so-called license or an internal decision of the company. The quality of streaming series and movie playback may vary from computer to computer and from device to device, influenced by various factors such as your geographic location, available bandwidth, and/or your internet connection speed, for which PICKBOX LLC is not responsible.

The PICKBOX NOW streaming software was developed by PICKBOX LLC or developed for PICKBOX LLC and is designed to enable content streaming through devices. This software may vary depending on your device and medium, and functionalities may also vary depending on the device itself.


If your device with the PICKBOX NOW service is sold, lost, or stolen, please deactivate it. If you fail to log out or deactivate your device, subsequent users may access the PICKBOX NOW service through your account and may access certain information about your account.



Membership is subscription-based. Specific details about the type of membership on PICKBOX NOW can be found on the website  in the Settings section. Some forms of promotional memberships and periods may be offered by third parties under the terms of their products and services. PICKBOX LLC is not responsible for the products and services offered by third parties.

PICKBOX LLC reserves the right to modify, terminate, or correct types of memberships.


The type of membership depends on the method of purchase (one-time or recurring) and the duration of activation.

A one-time membership is a subscription that allows the user to use the PICKBOX NOW service for a pre-selected period and lasts until the package expires, i.e., the pre-selected period. After the one-time purchase expires, the service does not automatically renew, and the user needs to reactivate it.

Recurring membership is a subscription to the PICKBOX NOW service that the user can activate with a credit card or PayPal and that automatically renews every month with the option to cancel the service at any time. If the user wants to cancel the recurring purchase, it needs to be canceled at the appropriate place. By canceling the PICKBOX NOW service, the user cancels the previously subscribed service, but it remains active until the service or package expiration date. Also, PICKBOX LLC is not obligated to refund the already paid money for the recurring purchase after canceling the service, i.e., for the month in which the service is canceled, as it remains active until the package expires.


If the user wants to use the PICKBOX NOW service, they must meet the following conditions: a) reside in the areas where the PICKBOX NOW service is offered, b) be 18 years of age or the age required to be considered of legal age according to the legislation of their country or region. Individuals under 18 years of age or minors can use the PICKBOX NOW service only in the presence of a parent or guardian, through the parent or guardian’s account, and are subject to these Terms of Use, and c) have access to the internet.

The PICKBOX NOW service, as well as all content viewed through that service, is intended solely for personal and non-commercial use.

During their PICKBOX NOW membership, the user acquires a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access the PICKBOX NOW service and watch series and movies through the service that enables real-time viewing (exclusive streaming base for this purpose). Except for the license, no rights, ownership rights, or copyrights are transferred to the user.

Within one user package, you can sign in on multiple devices, and simultaneously watch content from the offer on 2, 3, or 4 (depending on the purchased package).

To activate the membership, the user must pay for the selected package to access the PICKBOX NOW service, gaining access to series and movies on PICKBOX NOW.

Active membership is extended by a supplementary payment and expires after the paid period or by canceling the user account.


Promotional Sale 

The company PICKBOX LLC may periodically place certain services on promotional sale.

All terms of use contained in special and promotional offers, which materially differ from the general Terms of Use, will be presented to the end user upon registration or through other available means of communication. Promotional services may be available to all customers under the same conditions, or they may be available to specific customers within a precisely specified group under non-discriminatory conditions.

The terms of the promotional sale will be thoroughly described, especially the duration of the promotional sale, quantity limitations, discount rates, and the like. After the expiration of the promotional sale period, PICKBOX LLC will not accept new orders for services under the conditions related to the promotional sale.



The prices of the PICKBOX NOW service are expressed in euros (EUR) for the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, and Montenegro. Prices are displayed in convertible marks (KM) for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonian Denars (MKD) for the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbian Dinars (RSD) for the Republic of Serbia, and Bulgarian Lev (BGN) for the Bulgaria.

Prices are stated with the value-added tax (VAT) when applicable, they are final for the buyer and valid for all payment methods at the time of purchase.

The process of entering prices on the website for each service is subject to multiple levels of control.

If the price is mistakenly indicated, PICKBOX LLC will be obligated to inform users of the situation, the incorrectly stated price for a specific product, and the inability to fulfil the order from the customer.


Price Conversion

The conversion of prices expressed in convertible marks is carried out into EUR daily, with changes based on the average exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank. The conversion of prices expressed in Serbian Dinars and Macedonian Denars is conducted at the beginning of each month, according to the exchange rate list issued by the Croatian National Bank.

PICKBOX LLC for services is not responsible for differences in exchange rate lists used by the issuing bank of the user’s card compared to those used by PICKBOX LLC for services. Please note that there may be a minimal change in the amount actually charged from the user’s card by the issuing bank.

During purchases, the price may deviate from the advertised price due to conversion rates or additional fees charged by purchasing services for transactions conducted through them. PICKBOX LLC is not liable for the and cannot anticipate such additional costs. Before making the payment, the service will display the amount it intends to charge, and the user can always decide to cancel the purchase and opt for an alternative payment method.


Payment Methods 

Payment is possible with the following credit cards: Diners, Visa, and MasterCard.

1. Payment via the CorvusPay Service

For payments through the CorvusPay service, the general terms of Corvus apply, which are available at the following link:

2. Payment via the PayPal Service

For payments through the PayPal service, the general terms of PayPal apply, which are available at the following link:

3. 3. Bank Transfer Payment

This option is available only for users located in the Republic of Croatia. Upon request, such users can obtain a non-binding offer with all the necessary payment details, including the account number to which the order value should be transferred. After the payment is received and recorded, PICKBOX LLC will enable the payer to use the service ordered.

NOTE: For bank transfer payments, the service is delivered/activated after the payment is booked. The time required for booking depends on the terms of the user’s bank and the bank of PICKBOX LLC.

When making a payment, it is extremely important to enter the correct reference number, as only this information ensures timely recording of the payment and enables the use of the service. PICKBOX LLC is not responsible for the untimely activation of the service for the buyer in case of incorrect data entry for payment specified in the offer.


Invoice Issuance

After recording the payment, PICKBOX LLC will issue an appropriate invoice for the paid service. The invoice will be available/sent to the buyer via the web store or email.

Issuing an invoice in paper form is possible only upon the explicit written request of the buyer.

When contacting PICKBOX LLC regarding invoice issuance, the user should provide the email address with which they are registered to successfully identify the user account.


Passwords and Account Access 

The user who has opened an account for the PICKBOX NOW service, and whose card or account is charged for payment, is hereon referred to as the account owner. The account owner has access to and control over the PICKBOX NOW account. The account owner achieves control over the account through the account owner’s password and thus retains exclusive control. The account owner is obligated to keep the password confidential. If the account owner wishes to prevent others from contacting the PICKBOX NOW customer service and potentially changing control of the account owner, the account owner must not disclose payment details (e.g., the last four digits of their credit or debit card) associated with their account.

The account owner is responsible for updating and maintaining the truth and accuracy of the information provided to PICKBOX LLC regarding their account.

To provide you with easier access to your account and help manage the PICKBOX NOW service, PICKBOX NOW implements technology that allows us to recognize you as the account owner and provide you with direct access to your account without the need for re-entering the password or other user identifiers when you revisit the PICKBOX NOW service, including access through PICKBOX devices or the website.



Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability

The end user agrees to use the website solely at their own risk, and PICKBOX LLC is not responsible for:

(a) the consequences that may arise from using the website,

(b) the accuracy, reliability, or content of any information, service, or goods provided through the website

PICKBOX LLC is not liable for any potential damage that may occur from using the PICKBOX NOW service.

PICKBOX LLC reserves the right to terminate the business relationship, restrict, and cease the use of the service with any end user at any time without specifying reasons. PICKBOX LLC also retains the right to immediately terminate any passwords or user accounts of the end user in the event of any behavior by the end user that PICKBOX LLC deems unacceptable, in its discretionary judgment, as well as in any case where the end-user fails to comply with the Terms of Use and is not responsible for any damage that may result to the user as a result.

The Terms of Use specified here apply to the business conditions, the use of the website and the conclusion of distance contracts through means of remote communication, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise.

For all provisions not regulated by these Terms of Use, the provisions of the applicable Consumer Protection Act and the Civil Obligations Act apply subsidiarily.


Right to Unilateral Termination of Contract

The user has the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract within 14 days from the day of concluding the Contract, without stating a reason. To exercise the right to unilateral termination of this Contract, the user must inform PICKBOX LLC about their decision to unilaterally terminate the contract before the expiration of the deadline, through an unambiguous statement sent by mail or email, in which they will specify their name and surname, address, telephone number, and email address. The user can also use the attached example form for unilateral termination of the contract.


If the user unilaterally terminates this Contract, PICKBOX LLC will refund the money received from the user without delay, and at the latest within 14 days from the day when the user’s decision to unilaterally terminate the Contract was received. The money will be refunded in the same way the user made the payment.

You can electronically fill out and submit the example form for unilateral termination of the contract, which is available on our website.

We will promptly confirm receipt of the notice of unilateral termination of the Contract to you by email.




Name, surname, and address of the consumer: ______________________________________________


Recipient: PICKBOX, LLC for services, 52 Radnička cesta, 10000 Zagreb


e-mail: ____________________, fax ____________________


I, ______________________________________________, hereby declare that I unilaterally terminate the Contract for the provision of the following service: ____________________________


ordered/received on _____________________.


Consumer’s signature: _________________________________________

(only if this form is completed on paper)


Date: ______________


The user does not have the right to unilateral termination of the contract if the service contract with PICKBOX LLC has been fully performed, and the performance has commenced with the explicit prior consent of the user, along with their confirmation that they know they will lose the right to unilateral termination of the contract if the service is fully performed.

The user does not have the right to unilateral termination of the contract in the case of the delivery of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance of the contract has begun with the explicit prior consent of the user and their confirmation that they are aware that this will result in the loss of the right to unilateral termination of the contract.


Gifts and Promotions 

We reserve the right to offer a gift subscription that can be purchased on our websites. Your card or account will be charged for each purchased gift subscription.

Promotional codes can be redeemed on our website. Promotional codes can only be used once and cannot be exchanged for cash, resold, or combined with other offers, including trial periods.

If a third party has sent you a promotional code through an offer, additional restrictions may apply in accordance with the business rules/general terms of the third-party provider.

The PICKBOX NOW service is private property.

Intellectual Property and Property Rights

All materials on the website  are exclusively the right of PICKBOX LLC or are used with the explicit permission of copyright holders, patent holders, holders of trade secrets, trademark holders, and/or design rights holders.


The website contains materials protected by copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, design, and other information covered by the rights of natural or legal persons, including, but not limited to, texts, software, photographs, videos, graphics, music, sound, and the entire content of the, in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

The end user may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivatives, or in any way exploit any content, in whole or in part. The end user may download, print, and save copyrighted materials only for their personal use. Copying, redistribution, modification, retransmission, publication, or commercial exploitation of downloaded material is not allowed without the explicit written permission of PICKBOX LLC and the copyright holder.

Violation of the Terms of Use may lead to legal and other proceedings and/or criminal prosecution against the perpetrator for the violation of copyright and other intellectual property rights.


Court Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, and User Responsibility

The headquarters of PICKBOX LLC is in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. In the event of any dispute or claim, we would like to attempt to resolve such disputes amicably through our customer support.

For disputes that may arise because of the use of the website and the PICKBOX NOW service (unless otherwise specified by a separate agreement), the competent court is in Zagreb, and such disputes are to be resolved in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

By using the website and the PICKBOX NOW service, the end user agrees that for any dispute or claim arising out of these Terms, or related to these Terms, or their enforcement, the competent court is in Zagreb, and Croatian law shall apply.

The above provisions do not derogate from your right to file a complaint in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.



You may encounter third-party applications, including, but not limited to, websites, widgets, software, or other software tools (hereinafter “Applications”) that are linked to the PICKBOX NOW service.



Use of Provided Information

PICKBOX LLC reserves the right to use all remarks, information, ideas, opinions, concepts, or techniques, or any other material found in any communication you send to us, including responses to questionnaires or posts on the PICKBOX NOW service, including the website and the user interface, without any compensation, acknowledgment, or payment for any purpose, including, but not limited to, the development, production, and marketing of products and the creation, modification, or improvement of the PICKBOX NOW service.

Furthermore, you agree not to seek any “moral rights” in the feedback to the extent permitted by applicable law in the Republic of Croatia.

Please note that PICKBOX LLC does not accept unsolicited materials or ideas for series and movies and is not responsible for any similarities in any part of the content or program on any media with materials or ideas sent to PICKBOX LLC. If you send unsolicited materials or ideas, you do so with the awareness that you will not receive any additional compensation and waive all claims against PICKBOX LLC and its affiliated companies for the use of these materials and ideas, even if the material or ideas used is substantially like the material or idea you submitted.


Customer Support 

If you need assistance with your user account, click on FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). There, you will find answers to commonly asked questions and information on how to contact customer support representatives directly.

For any additional questions not found in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section, please send an inquiry to In case of any contradiction between these Terms of Use and information received from customer support or other parts of our website, these Terms of Use take precedence.



PICKBOX LLC, a limited liability company, with headquarters in Zagreb, 52 Radnička cesta, OIB: 03331453241 (hereinafter: PICKBOX), is committed to protecting your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, EC 2019/679 (GDPR).

PICKBOX LLC recognizes the importance of privacy protection, security, and data protection for users of our services and all individuals who come into contact with us. Therefore, our goal is to provide protection for all our operations and implement consistent policies and procedures.

This privacy protection statement informs you about our protection practices and choices for collecting and using data about you. This privacy protection statement applies to all websites of PICKBOX LLC, domains, services, applications, and products, as well as to all our employees.

Please periodically review the Privacy Policy – Personal Data Protection Policy of PICKBOX LLC (hereinafter the Privacy Policy) for possible changes that will be displayed on the page.

This Privacy Policy defines PICKBOX LLC’s policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of your personal data. By using, visiting, or browsing PICKBOX NOW, you accept and agree to our practices regarding personal data described below.


Purpose of Collecting Personal Data 

We collect personal data primarily to ensure the provision of the requested service and to provide the most effective response to your inquiries.


Duration of Privacy Policy 

At the time of submitting your data, you agree to contact us, giving us the right to process your personal data in accordance with the specified purpose. The privacy protection of your data is permanent.


Collection of Personal Data 

Data collected through platforms such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook, or Midas is anonymized, meaning we do not match personal data with other parameters (e.g., your name and surname with other data related to the use of our services). In other words, cookies through which we collect such data do not contain information by which users can be identified. If your configuration settings are set to reject the collection of some data – the data will not be collected and stored (e.g., blocking cookies). In case you have chosen such an option, we do not guarantee an optimal user experience.

We reserve the right to monitor your interaction with us and collect data related to you and your use of our service, including but not limited to your online activity, correspondence, devices, and software data (e.g., operating system or web browser).

The data we collect include, but are not limited to:

Name and surname, email address, and/or phone number – we may use the data only if you provide them yourself (e.g., through a contact form or email),

Cookies / pixels – we automatically collect general data such as time spent on pages, user locations, and types of devices. We collect cookies and pixels through Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and/or the Facebook platform.

We use the collected data for:

- Internal report generation – user experience is important to us, and for that reason, we constantly strive to improve our services

- Customizing content – seeking information about location or configuration settings to adapt the language of the interface and/or available content

- Marketing activities – we use collected data for advertising purposes through platforms/channels such as newsletters, Google AdWords, Google AdWords remarketing, Facebook, and Facebook remarketing.

If you wish to exclude your data from Google or Facebook advertising networks, please visit your user profiles on these platforms and modify your settings related to advertising, advertising activities, and sharing your data.

If you have any questions or wish to exclude your data from our databases (where possible), please contact us via email:


Content of the Privacy Policy 

We collect and process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, EC 2019/679. We will store the collected data appropriately and ensure its confidentiality. We will not disclose the collected data to third parties without your explicit permission.

We only collect voluntarily provided personal data. We do not require you to send us this data to grant you access to our pages, and we do not ask you to disclose more information than is truly necessary for participating in an activity on our pages.

PICKBOX NOW will not send you unsolicited mail. PICKBOX LLC is not responsible for accidental errors or errors due to force majeure or other objective circumstances causing accidental violation of the guaranteed protection of your data. However, it guarantees that the error will be rectified, if possible, as soon as possible.

We do not sell, transfer, or disclose the personal data we collect to anyone outside PICKBOX LLC without your permission (except for data that is necessary for business partners to perform/enable the service). This excludes cases in which, in accordance with the law, the seller is obliged to provide or allow access to the buyer’s personal data based on a valid order from authorized state bodies.

PICKBOX LLC collects buyer’s personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfill its obligations, inform about new and promotional products, deliver promotional materials, improve customer relationships, and verify other data necessary for online purchases.

The buyer has the right to request the supplementation, correction, or modification of incorrect personal data. PICKBOX LLC regularly gives the buyer the choice of using their data, including the option to decide whether their name should be removed from lists used for marketing purposes.


Confidentiality of Data 

We want to emphasize that during visits to these pages, your personal data remains confidential unless you voluntarily choose to disclose them to third parties.

Data covered by the privacy policy system:

Name and Surname, Date of Birth, Home Address, Email, Phone Number and/or Fax, Personal Identification Number (OIB), and other data you exchange with us, explicitly notifying us that you want them to remain confidential.


Data Security

For the security of data on our global network servers and to ensure service accessibility to all users, this system uses software that monitors online visits and recognizes unauthorized attempts to upload or modify data, as well as those that could cause harm in any other way.

Unauthorized attempts to upload or modify data on this site are strictly prohibited.



Every individual has the right to access their collection of personal data, request access to their personal data, and modify it, for correction, forgetting, processing limitation, objection, or data transfer, and can at any time revoke consent for the use of personal data, request changes to data, or deletion from the database.

You can do this by sending a request to our data protection officer via email at, in writing, or in person by visiting us at our address.


Use of Cookies

To facilitate browsing on our websites, our global network servers may use cookies. These are very small text files that the server places on the user’s computer to track the selection of certain language variants on our pages, as well as when accessing parts of the site that require entering a username and password. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or set viruses on your computer. It is necessary to accept or reject cookies on our websites, and if your web browser is set up this way, you can browse without using cookies.


Email Messaging 

When you send us an email with personally identifiable information, whether by email with a question or comment or by a form you send us by email, we use that information to fulfill your requests.



We do everything in our power to ensure that all redirects from our websites lead to websites that do not contain illegal and/or harmful content. However, pages and web addresses change quickly, and we cannot always guarantee the content of each address we direct you to. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or your experiences with this web address, please get in touch.


Contact Us

If you have privacy-related questions, please contact PICKBOX’s Data Protection Officer:


Representative’s Name: Marijana Gredelj


Address: Radnička cesta 52, 10 000 Zagreb
